Brian Works

'Work is much more fun than fun.' - Noël Coward
I ♥ UX


Design is not one discipline, but many—a complex and overlapping field of disciplines involving both creativity and technology; both intuition and contemplation; both skill and talent. It manifests in what we see, do, and feel.

My work has involved graphic design, UI design, UX design, and game design.

Games and Game-Like Apps

I have designed or contributed to numerous games and game-like apps. Here are just a handful of them. I’ll add more games and more details soon.

Mobile Apps

I have designed or contributed to several mobile apps, including some that were never released to the general public. Here are the ones that are publicly available.

Web Sites and Components

I’ve designed and developed lots and lots and lots of web stuff, both public and private. Here are some of my web projects that are publicly accessible.

Design for Print

Before the rise of the web blogs were called “zines” (short for “fanzines”) and they were printed on paper instead of in pixels. My passion for design started with video game and comic zines.

There’s plenty more where that came from! I plan to add more projects, more information about my projects, and more screen shots and video soon.


Design is the foundation of implementation—the ideas, considerations, and decisions that can lead to intentional and well-informed goals and high-quality products and services. It can facilitate effective communications, productivity, and even delight.

All software development culminates in user experience. User-centric design can make software not only better for users but easier to support and maintain.

Ultimately, everything we do as software developers culminates in user experience. Not just UI and ID. Services. Data. Everything.

Good design is smart business.


I have designed games, mobile apps, web sites and apps, and more. I have done visual design and enough UI and UX design to know where they overlap and where they don't.

I enjoy using design and illustration tools and services such as Adobe Illustrator, Affinity Designer, Balsamiq Mockups, and Sketch and I am always eager to try and learn new ones.


I am highly adaptable, thanks largely to my agency and freelance experience, and I am dedicated to excellence and continuous improvement.


I am passionate about user interfaces (UI), user experience (UX), and communications.

I also very much enjoy writing articles and producing videos to share my knowledge and interests with others.

Social Stuff